The form below was developed to set up a way to facilitate contributions to Farley's history --- whether it be information, photographs, funding, or actual items. Please fill out if you have something to contribute.
Contributions Welcome The Farley Area Historical Society would welcome any and all contributions toward preserving Farley History. If you have photos or printed materials (i.e. newspaper clippings) you would wish to keep, we can scan and return to you.
We will also accept donations of items/antiques or we also ask you to consider providing them on loan for display purposes. Lastly, any moneytary contribution is also greatly appreciated.
Please check any boxes below that pertain to your form of contribution to Farley`s history. We will be contacting you to make arrangements. CHECK FORM OF CONTRIBUTION BELOW
Sports related
Garage-yard-automobile related
Old photographs
Household items
Ag related items
Business related