City of Farley's Council Committees

Council Committees

The City of Farley has in place committees made up of the mayor and two city council members as well as selected Farley citizens. 

The Role of City Council Committees

  1. City Council Committees are intended to enhance communication between the City Council and City staff at the early phase of the development of significant items affecting public policy questions. 
  2. These Committees will enable City staff to obtain early feedback from representative members of the City Council on issues affecting public policy prior to their presentation, as necessary, to the full City Council.
  3. City Council Committee members develop and maintain a deeper level of knowledge on matters of a technical nature which might affect public policy in order to increase the positive exchange of information and discussions between City Council members, City staff, and the public. 
  4. When appropriate, items may be considered by a City Council Committee before a final recommendation from the appropriate City Board or Commission. 
  5. City Council Committees do not replace the City Council as final decision makers on behalf of the full City Council.  Council Committees make no staff direction on administrative matters, specific assignments, or work tasks.  If Committee members seek additional information from an outside party or consultant resulting in additional cost to the City, approval to incur such cost must approved by the full City Council. 
  6. Any discussion or feedback expressed or received at a Committee meeting should not be construed or understood to be a decision by or for the City Council. Further, any recommendation the Committee may make to the City Council is based on information possessed by the Committee at the time the recommendation is made and may be revised or amended upon receipt by the Committee of additional or newer information.

Those committees, whose members are appointed annually by the mayor, include: 

Development Committee -  Erion and Phillip

PURPOSE: To enable the City Council to discuss and evaluate in greater detail the specific issues that directly impact the physical, social, and economic vibrancy of the City of Farley. 


  • Comprehensive Plan
  • Community Design Standards
  • Development Standards, Guidelines and Policies
  • Growth and Sustainability
  • Economic Development Policies

Finance and Administrative Services Committee - O'Brien and Benda

PURPOSE: To enable the City Council to discuss and evaluate in greater detail the specific issues that directly impact the financial and organizational strength of the City of Farley. 


  • Budget process
  • Fee structures
  • Personnel issues
  • Property insurance
  • Procurement process
  • All other financial/administrative issues


Infrastructure Committee - Birkel and Phillip

PURPOSE: To enable the City Council to discuss and evaluate in greater detail these specific issues that directly impact the quality and sustainability of the infrastructure of the City of Farley. 


  • Annual CIP (Capital Improvement Plan) Process
  • Assessment Policies
  • Street Construction
  • Sidewalks
  • Public Works Services
  • Municipal Utilities (Water, sewer, trash & recycling)
  • Buildings & Grounds

Public Safety Committee - Erion and Benda

PURPOSE: To enable the City Council to discuss and evaluate in greater detail these specific issues that directly impact the safety and livability of the City of Farley. 


  • Law Enforcement
  • Fire Protection
  • Life Safety
  • Code Enforcement services
  • Civil Defense

Communication, Recreation and Cultural Resources Committee - Birkel and O'Brien

PURPOSE: To enable the City Council to discuss and evaluate in greater detail these specific issues that directly impact the recreation and cultural resources of the City of Farley. 


  • Communication – web site, newsletter, social media
  • Parks & Recreation Services
  • Library Services
  • Historic Preservation
  • Trails
  • Events


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